Michael E. Salla, PhD

July 2003

from Exopolitics Website






 -  Abstract



 -  About the Author



 -  Introduction



 -  Phase One - Crisis Management of the Extraterrestrial Presence


 -  Phase Two - The Truman Administration and the Decision to Maintain Secrecy


 -  Phase Three - The Erosion of Executive Oversight of Clandestine Organizations


 -  Phase Four - The Era of Autonomy and Impunity for Clandestine Organizations


 -  The Prominence of Henry Kissinger as PI-40’s Master Strategist


 -  Political Impotence of the Carter and Clinton Administrations - The Threat posed by Reagan


 -  Phase Five - The Political Management of Iraq and its Ancient ET Technology


 -  Conclusions



 -  Endnotes





 -  Reagan's Speech at The UN.







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